SHA Wellness Clinic launches a new building!!

SHA Wellness Clinc in AlicanteSHA Wellness Clinic in Alicante is an international pioneering wellness clinic that is dedicated to improving and prolonging people’s health and soundness by combining the best natural therapies, originating mainly from ancient Eastern wisdom, with the most advanced Western techniques. At SHA Wellness Clinic, health isn’t just about the absence of illness; it’s more of an overall state of physical and mental well-being, ideal weight and vitality.

Famous for promoting well-being, a healthy life style, and keeping up with the very latest technologies and treatments SHA Wellness Clinic has added an impressive extension on to the clinic effectively doubling the size of the medical and wellness area and incorporating new features and facilities. In doing so they really have consolidated themselves as an international benchmark in its field both for innovation and standing.

Interior of SHA Wellness Clinc in AlicanteThe clinic, that employs more than 250 professionals of 35 different nationalities, now offers its guests an even more integrative approach by joining the most effective and tested natural therapies with the latest advances in medical science together with promoting the importance of a therapeutic and healthy diet that is adapted to modern-day life. The new area covers 2000 m2 and it is divided up into three floors of minimalist modern design that SHA adds to its existing 27,000 m2 built area and more than 15,000 m2 of gardens.

Thanks to this renovation, SHA Wellness Clinic will have new units and treatments that have been chosen due to their effectiveness proven through the on-going research carried out by the medical team at SHA. They will be fully up and running before the end of 2014 and include the Alzheimer’s Prevention and Cognitive Function Stimulation unit, the Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine unit, the Capillary Care and Hair Loss Prevention unit, the Spine and Neck unit, the Foot Biomechanics unit, the Hydrotherapy, Endoscopy, Liposculpting, Chromotherapy and Bioptron Light Therapy, Cryotherapy at -200º unit,  the Aesthetic Threading Facial unit, the aseptic clean room or O.R. for minor surgery, the Ophthalmology unit and a Dermatology unit.

The regenerative medicine or RegenBiocell unit, which is run by Dr Oscar Mayorga, uses the latest Biotechnology in the application of stem cells and cell growth factors to promote tissue regeneration in aesthetics and anti-aging treatment, chronic degenerative diseases, metabolic disorders, autoimmune diseases and nervous system disorders.  The Stemprocell method that is used as a base according to the disease in question consists in the application of stem cells obtained from the patient’s own adipose tissue (fat) or from the bone marrow, together with growth factors obtained from the blood plasma. Cells are also stimulated using low-frequency and low-intensity pulsed electromagnetic fields, which is the fruit of their own research work that makes this cell therapy a highly effective therapeutic weapon.

Interior of SHA Wellness Clinic in AlicanteThe Ophthalmology unit is another newcomer to the clinic that is run by Dr Juan Palomares. The most outstanding progress being made at the moment in the field of ophthalmology concerns the prevention of eye diseases and being able to treat initial asymptomatic processes ahead of time. Guests at SHA Wellness Clinic will be able to have tests done, get diagnoses and treatment for eye diseases provided by the highly experienced ophthalmologists at the unit, who have the most advanced technological medical instruments to help them.

The new comprehensive health and fitness assessment unit is run by Dr Vicente Mera, who is in charge of 14 specialists and together they will determine your overall state of health, produce a complete medical report in just one day and give you a few healthy recommendations for a better and longer life.

Living longer is not a synonym for living better, one of the most important areas of our well-being is our mental health, which is why SHA Wellness Clinic has set up a brain stimulating unit that is basically intended to bring together the latest advances in cognitive rejuvenation with a proper life style as a source of well-being.

Brain training, neurohealth food, aerobic exercise and controlling stress levels are the areas that this unit focuses on. The combination of these techniques helps to speed up the neuroplasticity and increase our cognitive reserve.

Yoga in Sha Wellness Clinic in AlicanteSHA has also added a few new facilities too: an indoor swimming pool, a Pilates studio a new fitness room with the latest Technogym equipment, new treatment cabins (there are now 80 in total), an organic allotment, where the majority of the food used in the Shamadi restaurant is grown, and this is used like a hands-on classroom for guests to explain the importance of what we eat and how our diet can affect our health either positively or negatively.

Finally the SHA academy and their Life Learning Centre with it’s weekly schedule of organised activities includes a diverse list ranging from daily sports activities and walks through to cooking classes and Educational Talks on topics such as Detox Secrets and Macrobiotic Products, all of which are intended to give guests the knowledge and the tools they need to have a healthier life.

If you are interested in finding out more about SHA Wellness Clinic and the programs they have to offer please follow the following links:

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We are Sis Wellness Holidays, a booking agency for inspirational wellness getaways in Spain and Portugal. Our goal is to inspire you to become your best self with our wellness and health tips. We write our blogs ourselves, sharing our knowledge, experiences, and insights as your SISters in wellness. We hope to motivate you with our advice on living a healthy lifestyle, so you can be the best version of yourself!

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