Believe it or not, it is possible to go on holiday, have a really great time and return home weighing in with a few kilo´s less on the scales!! Your SISter in Wellness Femke tried it at Shanti Som Wellbeing Retreat and was genuinely impressed!
We have been to Shanti Som several times before (actually when I count up, it´s been 6 times already ;-), and the feeling of peace and tranquillity that washes over you when you take the dirt track off the main road towards Shanti Som is overwhelmingly relaxing….
But this time RELAX is not the main purpose of my stay! With the weather warming and summer just around the corner I realise that within no time at all I will have to put my bikini on again, quite a daunting prospect to be honest! It is not that I am overweight but my pasty winter skin could use some toning and tanning ;-). And it´s not only the body that is in need of some TLC, also the mind could do with some extra loving due to a hectic life with three small kids, I could really do with my batteries being recharged. So my goals are threefold: Get in shape, re-energize and get some colour! And I think Shanti Som could well be the perfect place for that.
The Shanti Som weight loss program offers a combination of a delicious healthy diet, exercise and some pampering. The perfect combo to reach my three goals 😉 The purpose of the program is not to lose as much weight as possible in one week. As Vicky, the nutritionist explains, it is more about becoming conscience of what we eat and try to fuel our body with what we really need (rather than with what we crave….). So although I crave a glass of wine at dinner, the tannin free tea is actually a pretty nice alternative. And after a day of eliminating the sugar, also the craving for chocolate seemed to have disappeared. Great! This looks promising… The weight loss diet at Shanti Som is a gluten free, sugar free, low carb diet. Not necessarily super low in calories (depending on your goals), so you hardly feel hungry, yet full of healthy nutrients. Vicky also focusses on what happens after your stay at Shanti Som. What can you do to change to a healthier diet and lifestyle once back home and which kind of foods improve your digestion. This will be discussed at the end of the stay in the last nutritional consultation.
Where Vicky guides the nutritional part of the program, the physical part is looked after by Javier, the very chatty and energetic personal trainer. He is a true motivator and gets the most out of his guests, or at least out of me (owwwchhh, I feel muscles in my body I did not even know I had)!! The trainings are a combination of exercising/building muscles and cardio/aerobic training to burn fat. You have 1 hour of personal training per day, but Javier really encourages you to do at least 1 hour extra on your own every day to get the utmost out of your stay. Also he teaches you how to continue your exercise regime once you are back home.
The mind/body balance is also a very important aspect of the Shanti Som philosophy, and two great and super lovely yoga teachers are in charge of this, Nathalie and Yuka. Both extremely professional and kind, but each with their own style – Nathalie a bit more gentle and calm, Yuka a bit more energetic – making it the perfect combination to have classes with them both. Nathalie: ¨As the classes are filled with people with all different levels of yoga we do not teach in a set style but intuitively try to find the best way for the group at hand to connect. Sometimes through challenging sequences, sometimes through quiet reflection, sometimes technical, sometimes flowing. Always with the intention to establish an inner connection within each of them that they can hold on to and return to when they leave the class. ¨
And what would a wellness holiday be, without some pampering and relaxing me-time. The weight loss program includes one body scrub (the best I have ever had I might add, thanks to the wonderful and powerful hands of Yolanda!), but you can book all kinds of different spa treatments in addition. After a day of training you can relax your muscles in the sauna or steam bath or take a dip in the outdoor pool. This is also the perfect place to work on that much desired sun tan ;-)
Last but not least, Shanti Som is set in beautiful natural surroundings perfect to take some amazing hikes. The Shanti Som weight loss program includes one guided hike, but it is really easy to explore the area on your own. Energising for the body, yet very soothing for the mind!

What a great experience, what a great program. I absolutely loved it!! The combination of exercise, delicious healthy food, pampering, tender love and care from all the staff, serene natural surroundings and a beautiful inviting hotel ticked all my boxes. And…. I reached my goals! I feel a bit leaner and firmer, a lot more energized and with a glow that is more than just a suntan
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