Girls might think they are made of sugar and spice, but if they know better and want a great smooth skin, they’ll take a hint from the boys and play in the mud! SPA stands for ¨Sanus per Aqua¨, which means ¨health through water¨. But did you know that all of that good water also […]
In order to get active, healthy, and lose weight, you need to be moving in some way every single day. You know this. But easier said than done, right? You probably also have a full schedule with lots of obligations and with no idea how to fit exercise in. Maybe you’ve tried before to exercise […]
A happy, relaxing and healthy New Year to everyone!!! Have you also enjoyed the Christmas and New Years parties as much as we did? Then you probably feel the same as we do… But don´t worry we came across some very useful detox tips to start the New Year healthy and clean! It is easy […]
Well, this year Femke and I went there to test their programs, in this post we will tell you how it went and as a picture is worth a thousand words, I will be describing our experience in images.
Too often, people wander around in a fog of dissatisfaction, or rush from crisis to crisis, never getting around to what most matters, whether that’s family, a long-delayed dream, cutting back on work hours or charging full steam ahead toward business growth. Are you just getting through life, or are you living it to the […]
Water is good for our bodies. Not only to drink it, but also to bathe in, especially if the water contains healthy minerals; thermal water. A treatment frequently used in thermal spas is contrast therapy, also known as “hot/cold immersion therapy¨, a form of treatment where a limb or the entire body is immersed in warm […]
For a lot of people wallowing in the bath is pure relaxation. Lying in the thermal water, with your eyes closed, feeling the comforting warmth of the water, breathing deeply and letting go… and women in particular seem to enjoy the added benefits of wonderful rosy, velvety skin. Thermal baths promise not only that, but […]
Dr. Valenzuela, you are the doctor at Balneario de Archena, where dedicated termal weight loss programs are offered. Yes, my name is Mari Carmen Valenzuela and I am the doctor at Balneario de Archena. I am specialised in medical hydrology and in nutrition and came to Balneario de Archena to be part of the team […]
Years ago I spent 4 years working in Granollers, La Garriga´s neighbouring town and only 15 minutes from Hotel Blancafort Spa Termal!! I had heard so many stories about the thermal waters in the area, their therapeutic benefits, the warm outdoor pools and yet I never had the opportunity to go and experience it for […]
The do-it-yourself spa party is on the rise with woman opting for at home pampering versus a night on the town. A girls night out spa party is a great excuse to get together with your girl friends to relax, rejuvenate and have some fun. A ´Ladies night In´ can be an inexpensive and exciting […]