MUD; It is healthy, relaxing and fun!

Mud massage in Balneario de Archena

Girls might think they are made of sugar and spice, but if they know better and want a great smooth skin, they’ll take a hint from the boys and play in the mud! SPA stands for ¨Sanus per Aqua¨, which means ¨health through water¨. But did you know that all of that good water also […]

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Thalasso therapy in Murcia; Just as it should be!

Thalasso Therapy in Spain

Ever since the Romans, people all around the world have been using the therapeutic qualities of water to cleanse, heal and relax the body. The ancient tradition of bathing has gradually evolved into several modern treatments called hydrotherapy a generic term for water therapies. Thalasso therapy is such a form of hydrotherapy. Thalasso Therapy defines the […]

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