Mediterranean Ayurvedic Diet

Ayurveda recipe for Porridge by Port Salvi Ayurveda Resort in Spain, SIS Spa in Spain

Ayurveda or science of life (“Ayur” life, and “Veda” knowledge) has seen a great boom in Western culture in recent years, mainly due to society in general experiencing an “awakening of consciousness” that drives us to seek a healthier and fuller lifestyle and one which is more in harmony with the nature that surrounds us. […]

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Ayurveda Holidays; Find out what your Dosha is!

Ayurveda holidays

Have you heard about Ayurveda Holidays and the three Doshas, but were never sure what it exactly was, what it meant and more importantly what it can do for you? Then may be this blog article will help you to get a better understanding of Ayurveda, what your Dosha type is and how to respond […]

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Port Salvi, Ayurvedic hideaway in Catalonia

Port Salvi Ayurveda Hotel, Ayurvedic hideaway in Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain

A few years ago I discovered Ayurveda and I started to implement some of its principles into my life, so you can imagine how keen I was to get to know Port Salvi Ayurveda Hotel, Ayurvedic hideaway in the heart of the Costa Brava. I would like to share my experience with you, because what […]

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Inseparable SISters: Yoga and Ayurveda

SIS Spa in Spain BLOG, Ayurveda & Yoga

Yoga and Ayurveda are two “sister” practices that originated in India thousands of years ago. Now, a lot of us are familiar with yoga, and have experienced its profound benefits. Yet many of us are not as familiar with Ayurveda. Yoga has taken Europe by storm. The number of people who practice some form of yoga […]

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Ayurveda cure Port Salvi

 As resident Ayurveda Doctor at Port Salvi Ayurveda centre, can you tell us about your background, experience and what brought you to Port Salvi? We are a team of ayurveda experts from Pune city in India and we rotate here at Port Salvi during their season from February through until November. We have been working in […]

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