Ayurveda Holidays; Find out what your Dosha is!

Ayurveda holidaysHave you heard about Ayurveda Holidays and the three Doshas, but were never sure what it exactly was, what it meant and more importantly what it can do for you? Then may be this blog article will help you to get a better understanding of Ayurveda, what your Dosha type is and how to respond to that.

If after reading you got more curious about the concept and are looking for some more in depth information and advice, an Ayurveda holiday can offer you the perfect introduction. An Indian doctor will learn you all about Ayurveda, your Dosha and how diet, treatments, yoga and lifestyle can bring back or keep your body, mind and soul in balance.

For example the Ayurveda holidays at Port Salvi Ayurveda Hotel in Catalonia. Here you experience complete and professional Ayurveda cures, guided by qualified Ayurveda doctors from India. The programa include treatments, yoga, ayurvedic nutrition and a beautiful surrounding! Port Salvi Ayurveda Hotel

What is Ayurveda? 

Ayurveda is a holistic science of health, focusing on maintaining a balanced state between body, mind and soul. Ayurveda began about 5.000 – 6.000 years ago when Indian monks were looking for new ways to be healthy. Over thousands of years of observations, the monks gathered all their conclusions and advice and preserved it for future generations. This collection of knowledge came to be known as the “science or knowledge of life”- Ayurveda.  Ayurveda encourages a combination of diet, exercise, herbal treatments and breathing practices to help you enjoy a long and healthy life.

Ayurveda differs from modern medicine in many ways. In Ayurveda, every individual is unique and there is no diet or lifestyle routine that works for everyone. Ayurveda is not about curing, but prevention is key. Ayurveda focuses on providing specific advice and guidance on how to maintain physical and emotional health. Food and lifestyle routines are considered the most important medicine. If you come to an Ayurvedic doctor with a complaint, you are more likely to leave with a recipe than with a prescription for pills.

How does Ayurveda work?

Ayurveda is based on the principles of three doshas. Doshas are the energies that make up every individual, which perform different physiological functions in the body. When you know what type fits you best, you can tailor Ayurvedic treatment to suit your needs. Most people are a combination of two of the doshas, so you may be vata-pitta or pitta-kapha for example. Your Dosha should always be in balance, for optimum health and happiness. But some phases in life or certain events in life may disturb the balance. It is then good to know what your Dosha is what things you can best do and/ or eat to bring back balance.

Vata: Your mind darts from one thing to the next. You tend to be slim and gangly with dry, wiry hair. Mentally, you’re very creative but you get bored easily.

  • Vata In balance: There is creativity and vitality.
  • Vata Out of balance: Can produce fear and anxiety.

Pitta: You have a sharp intellect and a matching appetite. You’re of medium build and have silky hair. You’re passionate and enthusiastic. You usually enjoy studying.

  • Pitta In balance: Leads to contentment and intelligence.
  • Pitta Out of balance: Can cause ulcers and anger.

Kapha: You’re laid-back and easy going. You’re prone to weight gain with a slow metabolism. It takes you a while to commit facts to memory, but once there you’ll never forget them.

  • Kapha In balance: Expressed as love and forgiveness.
  • Kapha Out of balance: Can lead to insecurity and envy.

Which Dosha are you?

Now you have to find out which Dosha type you are. There are many questionnaires you can find on-line, which at least give you an idea. Most questionnaires are very similar and will provide similar results. Shorter questionnaires will give a more generalized and approximate result. Also, your body changes with age, seasons, and life situations so the results will change as well. But they will give you an indication. If you want a definite result, it is always recommended to see an Ayurvedic doctor.

At the bottom of this article you will find a short and simple test. Just fill it out and count the number of ticks for each Dosha. The one with the most clicks is your dominant Dosha.

You know your Dosha type, now what?

Now you should try to follow the diet and lifestyle routine that fits your mind/body constitution. For example, if you are predominantly Vata, you should include more cooked, warm foods, stay away from icy drinks, and add more warming spices like cinnamon, cloves, and ginger to your food. This will prevent any digestion issues that Vata types tend to get, as well, as anxiety, dry skin, or insomnia. Here are some general guidelines for each type:

General Health Tips for Vata Types: Maintain regular habits, try to eat and sleep at the same time every night. Get enough rest and choose foods that are warm, cooked, nourishing, and easy to digest. Sweet berries, fruits, small beans, rice, and all nuts and dairy products are good choices for Vata types. Exercise intensity should be moderate. A more meditative yoga, Tai chi, walking, and swimming are all good. Avoid strenuous and frantic activities.

General Health Tips for Pitta Types: It’s important for Pittas to keep cool by avoiding overexposure to direct sunlight and fried and spicy foods. Avoid alcohol and tobacco, overworking, and overheating. When aggravated, susceptible to feeling negative emotions like hostility, hatred, intolerance, and jealousy. Choose fresh vegetables and fruits that are watery and sweet, especially cherries, mangoes, cucumbers, water melon, and avocado. Have lots of salads with dark greens such as arugula, dandelions, and kale. Avoid conflicts. Cultivate the virtues of honesty, morality, kindness, generosity, and self-control.

General Health Tips for Kapha Types: It’s important to be active on a daily basis as Kapha types are prone to sluggishness, depression, and being overweight. Getting out of the house and actively seeking new experiences is also recommended. Be receptive to useful change, be intentional in implementing life-enhancing actions. Choose foods that are light, warm, and spicy. Tea with dried ginger and lemon is a great pick-me-up for Kaphas. Avoid heavy oily and processed sugars, which are detrimental to Kaphas. Use lots of spices such as black pepper, ginger, cumin, chili and lots of bitter dark greens.

Source: http://www.mindbodygreen.com/

What is Your Dosha!
Fill out the form, count the number of ticks for each Dosha. The Dosha with the most ticks is your dominant Dosha. If the results are close together, you could have 2 Doshas.

Body size Thin build Medium build Large build
Body weight Low Medium Heavy side
Weight change Trouble gaining Can gain but lose quickly Gains weight easily, hard to lose
Skin type Thin, dry Smooth, combination skin Thick, oily,
Skin texture Cold, roughness, light color Warm, reddish, freckles Cool, pale
Hair Dry, brittle, scarce, gets knotted Straight, oily, prone to hair loss Thick, curly, oily, wavy, luxuriant
Hair color Brown, black Blond, gray, red, Dark black, dark brown
Teeth Big, roomy, stick out, thin gums Medium size, soft, tender gums Healthy, white, strong gums
Nose Uneven shape, deviated septum Long, pointed, red nose tip Short, rounded, button nose
Eyes Small, sunken, dry, active, freq.blinking Sharp, sensitive to light Big, calm,
Eye color Black, brown bright gray, green, yellow / red, Blue
Nails Dry, rough, easily broken Sharp, flexible, long, reddish tint Thick, smooth, shiny surface
Lip Dry, cracked Often inflamed Smooth, large
Lip color Black or brown tint Red or yellowish Pale
Chin Thin and angular Tapered Rounded, big
Cheeks Sunken, lines or wrinkles Flat and smooth Big or round
Neck Long, thin Medium Wide
Chest Small, flat Moderate Broad chested
Belly Small, flat Moderate large, defined
Bellybutton Small, irregular Oval, superficial Big, deep, round
Hips Small or thin Moderate Big
Joints Cracking noise Moderate Large, lubricated
Appetite Irregular in frequency and magnitude Strong, cannot skip meals Steady, regular, skips meals
Taste preference Sweet, sour, salty Sweet, bitter, astringent Bitter, pungent, astringent
Thirst Variable Need water regularly Sparse need for water
Digestion Irregular Quick Slow
When there is indigestion Tendency to constipation, forms gas Causes burning, heart burn, reflux Forms mucous
Elimination Dry Loose Thick, sluggish
Physical activity Always active Moderate Slow, measured
Mental activity Always active Moderate Calm
Personality Vivacious, talkative, social, outgoing Likes to be in control, intense, ambitious Reserved, laid back, concerned
Emotional response when stressed Anxiety, fear Anger, jealousy Greedy, possessive, withdrawn
Faith or beliefs Variable Dedicated/strong Consistent
Intellectual response Quick, not detailed Accurate, timely Paced but exact
Memory Good short term, quick to forget Medium but accurate Slow to remember but then sustained
Career, life preference Creative arts, designing Science or engineering Management, human relations, care giving
Environment Easily feels cold Intolerant of heat Uncomfortable in humidity
Sleep Short, broken up moderate and sound Deep and long
Dreams Multiple and quick, fearful Fiery, often about conflicts Slow, romantic
Speech Rapid, hither thither precise, articulate Slow, monotonous
Financial Buy on impulse Spends money on luxuries Good at Saving money

Source: http://www.naturesformulary.com/contents/dosha-test

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We are Sis Wellness Holidays, a booking agency for inspirational wellness getaways in Spain and Portugal. Our goal is to inspire you to become your best self with our wellness and health tips. We write our blogs ourselves, sharing our knowledge, experiences, and insights as your SISters in wellness. We hope to motivate you with our advice on living a healthy lifestyle, so you can be the best version of yourself!

4 thoughts on “Ayurveda Holidays; Find out what your Dosha is!

  1. I’ve read a lot about Ayurveda but I really don’t understand it as much as I understand it now after reading this article. This is well-written and explained.

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