Nutripure: The other way of losing weight

There are so many different kinds of approach to losing weight and it is hard to say which one is the best, because what works for you does not necessarily work for another. It is a matter of finding out about the different options available and going for the one that appeals to you the […]

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Nutritionist at El Palasiet about weight loss

Weight loss programs in El Palasiet by Irene Dominguez

Irene Dominguez, you are the in house nutritionist at Thalasso Hotel Termas Marinas El Palasiet and responsable for the weightloss programs. Can you give us some more information about your weightloss programs in combination with Thalasso therapy? The weightloss programs are the most thorough and complete programs that we offer. During their stay, clients become very […]

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Balneario de Archena: weight loss & Thermal Water

Termal Weight loss at Balneario de Archena

Dr. Valenzuela, you are the doctor at Balneario de Archena, where dedicated termal weight loss programs are offered. Yes, my name is Mari Carmen Valenzuela and I am the doctor at Balneario de Archena. I am specialised in medical hydrology and in nutrition and came to Balneario de Archena to be part of the team […]

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