Girls might think they are made of sugar and spice, but if they know better and want a great smooth skin, they’ll take a hint from the boys and play in the mud! SPA stands for ¨Sanus per Aqua¨, which means ¨health through water¨. But did you know that all of that good water also […]
In order to get active, healthy, and lose weight, you need to be moving in some way every single day. You know this. But easier said than done, right? You probably also have a full schedule with lots of obligations and with no idea how to fit exercise in. Maybe you’ve tried before to exercise […]
A happy, relaxing and healthy New Year to everyone!!! Have you also enjoyed the Christmas and New Years parties as much as we did? Then you probably feel the same as we do… But don´t worry we came across some very useful detox tips to start the New Year healthy and clean! It is easy […]
“The Earth does not belong to us: we belong to the Earth.” – Marlee Matlin Not so very long ago, being green was pretty low down on the people´s priority list. Luxury hotels were hiding their “greenness” or lack of it, with the focus more on unbridled excess and unbounded pampering. Green was for granola-grazing […]
Although in some parts of Europe you can´t really call it summer (yet), many other places do experience a lovely hot and sunny summer. But beware, because hot and lazy summer days can take their toll if you are not careful. Here are our 10 best tips for getting through summer healthy and beautiful! TIP […]
Swedana is a word in Sanskrit which means quite literally “sweat”, this word is applied to Ayurvedic treatments (the science of life according to the Hindu tradition) that involve sweating. The word Swedana comes from the Sanskrit word SWID, which means “to sweat.” According to the principles of Ayurveda, sweating releases toxins from the body, […]
Somewhere in Spain, off the beaten track and away from rest of the world, is the home of The Bouncing Chef. It´s a magical retreat where FUEL was born – a way of eating that has become a way of life for thousands. FUEL might seem like just a recipe book, but it is much […]
We live influenced by a fast lifestyle. Workload, family, household chores and stress, do not allow us to eat healthily. And many times we don’t even know how harmful some foods are for our body. We get carried away by the fast food, ready meals and we deceive ourselves with light products, unaware that there […]
Water is good for our bodies. Not only to drink it, but also to bathe in, especially if the water contains healthy minerals; thermal water. A treatment frequently used in thermal spas is contrast therapy, also known as “hot/cold immersion therapy¨, a form of treatment where a limb or the entire body is immersed in warm […]
Most people who smoke know that really they should´t! There is so much information available telling us about the direct harmful effects that smoking has on our health, body and vital organs as well as the secondary effects that smoke can have on the ones around us and let´s not even talk about the cost. […]