Detox Tips For The New Year

A happy, relaxing and healthy New Year to everyone!!! Have you also enjoyed the Christmas and New Years parties as much as we did? Then you probably feel the same as we do… But don´t worry we came across some very useful detox tips to start the New Year healthy and clean! It is easy and effective!

Psychologically it’s the start of a fresh new year, and physically it follows a period of over-indulgence and, probably, an amount of unhealthy eating and drinking. So start the New Year by giving your mind and body the chance to make the most of the opportunities ahead. Detoxing has many benefits – it can enhance your energy levels, aid weight loss, clear the skin and improve digestion. Ilona Wesle is a nutritionist and co-founder of MyDetoxDiet, and she suggests following these detox tips for (at least, but preferably longer) seven days…

New Year detox tips by SIS Wellness Holidays

1) Avoid black tea, coffee and alcohol. Instead drink herbal tea, for example nettle is great at supporting the kidneys.

2) Drink at least 1 litre of water per day – ideally more. Keep a bottle by your desk and sip regularly – you’ll be amazed how easy it is if you drink little and often.

3) Drink fresh juices, e.g. carrot, beetroot, apple and cucumber as they are fantastically nourishing and cleansing

4) Avoid processed foods e.g. ready meals, savory snacks and biscuits. Instead eat food in its natural state. Cook it by steaming, lightly boiling or poaching – this way you will keep most of the goodness in the food (and retain the full flavour)

5) Choose organic food in order to minimize your intake of toxic pesticides. Even if you can’t make every item organic, do the best you can – it will make a difference

New Year detox tips by SIS Wellness Holidays

6) Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables per day – ideally more. At lunchtime and for dinner, aim to cover at least 60% of your plate with vegetables and eat as much variety as possible

7) Reduce your consumption of animal products. Avoid dairy and replace milk with soya or nut milks. Lentils, beans, quinoa, seeds and nuts are good protein alternatives

8) And finally, you can support the Detox process by getting a good night’s sleep, trying Yoga or Pilates, treating yourself to a massage or infrared dome session (in order to sweat out the toxins) and exercising regularly

New Life Portugal Retreat for burnout, coaching, mindfulness by SIS Wellness Holidays

By looking after your body at the start of the year you will give yourself the best chance to stay healthy in the cold months ahead and enjoy life to the full. And if you feel you need a more intense detox under supervision, then we would be more than happy to help you finding a fantastic and highly effective detox holiday. Please have a look at our Detox Holidays

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We are Sis Wellness Holidays, a booking agency for inspirational wellness getaways in Spain and Portugal. Our goal is to inspire you to become your best self with our wellness and health tips. We write our blogs ourselves, sharing our knowledge, experiences, and insights as your SISters in wellness. We hope to motivate you with our advice on living a healthy lifestyle, so you can be the best version of yourself!

2 thoughts on “Detox Tips For The New Year

  1. I have read many blogs about need for balance in Diet and not many actually provide tips that the people need. This blog is much informative and hats of to these people actually helping other people.

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