Life extension science, also known as anti-ageing medicine is the study of slowing down the processes of aging to extend both the maximum and average lifespan. Some researchers in this area, and “life extensionists” or “longevists” (those who wish to achieve longer lives themselves), believe that future break-throughs in tissue rejuvenation with stem cells, molecular repair, and organ replacement (such as with artificial organs or xenotransplantations) will eventually enable humans […]
Could you ever imagine a world without colours? No way!! Aren´t we all inspired in front of the beauty of a green landscape, a virgin white beach and turquoise sea, a carmine sunset, a blue sky or a field full of red coloured poppies… But what you did not know is that the beauty of […]
Treatment menus sometimes show treatments or therapies, which you do not have a clue about what it is. Watsu is such a therapy, which makes most people say W(h)atsu??? Watsu is a gentle form of therapy that takes place in temperate (around 35°C.), waist-deep water. It combines elements of massage, joint mobilisation, shiatsu and muscle stretching. […]
In our earlier Blog we explained about the different kind of saunas there are available in modern Spa centers. Now we would like to learn you more about what the sauna can do for you apart from feeling HOT 🙂 Because the sauna is not just for heating up. At the moment you lay or […]
Also the Spa & Wellness industry is subject to trends. A few years ago we saw how Spas branded themselves with a specific cosmetic brand to increase their own trust and credibility towards their clients. Now we see a new trend, which is in line with the Bio and Eco trends, and that is ¨ Back to Basic ¨. Why would you use (chemical) products during treatments, which come from far? It is […]
And this year again Spa Industry Expert Susie Ellis at Spa Finder has released the Spa Finder trend projection, this time for 2012! She forecasts global trends and ideas that will influence the spa and wellness industry in 2012. In this BLOG we tell you about those 10 Spa trends. 1. Healthy Feet Treatments – The […]
Sorry, again a Blog about Ayuveda, but we just can´t help it; Ayurveda is HOT! This from origin Indian philosophy is gaining popularity in our Western world. More and more people discover this ¨Science of life¨, because that is what Ayurveda means, Ayur stands for ¨Long Life¨ and Veda for ¨Science¨. Ayurveda has been used over 5000 years, making it the oldest health care system in the world! In these hectic modern times we see an increasingly demand for Ayurveda. This is […]
¨Health through wine¨. Yes, you are reading this right! With Vinotherapy you combat aging, remove wrinkles, moisturize the skin, reduces and reaffirms the abdomen, buttocks and breasts. An elixir of beauty that also tones, relaxes and reduces stress. Lots of research has determined that wine is good for one’s health, but…wine isn’t just good for […]
As we have learned in part 1 of our introduction to Ayurveda, Ayurveda is an effective system of medicine in India, but what does it practically mean? Ayurveda is all about getting and keeping your Tridosha in balance. The most ideal way to achieve this is by following a personalized diet, get your body internally […]
Ayurveda, the term is often seen in Spa menus and Wellness programs, but what does it mean? Ayurveda, the word originates from the words Ayur = long life and Veda = knowledge. So, Ayurveda literally means ¨science of life¨ and is considered to be the traditional system of medicine in India. It is 5.000 years […]