Three yoga exercises to relieve back, neck and shoulder pain

Yoga Holidays in Spain, SHA Wellness Clinic, SIS Wellness Holidays

Spending many hours in front of a computer screen, a sedentary lifestyle, age, smoking and being overweight are the main causes of back pain. In addition, it seems that all the stress and tension of everyday life tends to accumulate in the neck and shoulders, causing everything from muscle stiffness to contractures. And this makes […]

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Reconnect to your inner Self and feel whole again!


Nathalie is the senior Yoga teacher at Shanti Som. She explains what yoga can do for you and why you should start your pratice today! If you would like to more fully understand how to get in charge of your life through yoga, chakra awareness and the way you look at and approach your life, […]

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Yoga – Science of Life and our TOP 3 places to do it!

Yoga science of Life, top 3 Yoga retreat in Spain and Portugal

Did you know that Yoga is the oldest science of life? Yoga is originated in India many thousands of years ago.  For us, Yoga is not the typical staged photo you see of the perfect postures on the beach, flat tummies and toned bodies, maybe all of this is collateral damage to your Yoga Sadhana […]

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Stress, which is often viewed as an inevitable part of many people’s daily lives, is one of the main sources of wear-and-tear on the mind and the body. According to recent research, stress levels have doubled in 4 years which means that stress management has never been more relevant than it is today. Each of […]

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Asanas, Yoga postures, sleeping pigeon pose

We proudly present our very own in-house Yoga teacher MARTA!! Since Yoga is in her blood, we thought it would be a nice idea to let her tell you some more about the benefits of certain yoga postures, as we can all do with a little inspiration in these challenging times! ¨I have chosen the […]

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YOGA by Marta; the Ardha Matsyendrasana pose

Asanas, Yoga postures, Ardha Matsyendrasana pose

We proudly present our very own in-house Yoga teacher MARTA!! Since Yoga is in her blood, we thought it would be a nice idea to let her tell you some more about the benefits of certain yoga postures, as we can all do with a little inspiration in these challenging times! ¨I have chosen the […]

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YOGA by Marta; the “Halasana” Plough pose

Asanas, Yoga postures, “Halasana” Plough pose

We proudly present our very own in-house Yoga teacher MARTA!! Since Yoga is in her blood, we thought it would be a nice idea to tell you some more about the benefits of certain yoga postures, as we can all do with a little inspiration in these challenging times! ¨I have chosen the postures that […]

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summer wellness holiday SIS Spa in Spain

Although in some parts of Europe you can´t really call it summer (yet), many other places do experience a lovely hot and sunny summer.  But beware, because hot and lazy summer days can take their toll if you are not careful. Here are our 10 best tips for getting through summer healthy and beautiful! TIP […]

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Yoga and Thalasso, the perfect combination!

Yoga and Thalasso at Thalasso Hotel El Palasiet in Spain by SIS Spa in Spain

We are already familiar with the beneficial properties that sea water has on our body and our general health through Thalasso therapy programs and we have also discussed the numerous benefits of practising Yoga regularly…. So, what happens when you combine a Thalasso therapy program with daily yoga?! Well the result is a truly comprehensive […]

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A journey into Yoga and Meditation in Ibiza

Ibiza Healing Yoga and Meditation Retreat

There are yoga Retreats and then there are yoga Retreats. One is never like the other, but this one at Yoga Rosa Retreats is definitely one of a kind! Imagine yourself in rural Ibiza surrounded by nature, in a place which has been created with passion for yoga, passion for a healthy diet, an accute […]

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