Maria José, you are the resident nutritionist at Los Monteros, can you tell us about your background, experience and what brought you to Los Monteros?
I am Maria Jose Moreno Navarro, I am a pharmacist, technologist in Food and specialist in nutrition.
I started my professional career in Nutrition many years ago when I was involved in many projects relating to the investigation of food and nutrition. I arrived in Marbella in 1997 at the prestigious and emblematic Hotel and Medical Spa Incosol where I started as the dietician and then later as the Manager of the diet and nutrition department. Over the course of the following15 years I got more deeply involved in the principles of weight loss, obesity and it’s many complications, Nutritional coach (including healthy food habits), as a consultant, teacher and as public speaker both on the radio, on the television and in magazine articles.
In 2012 after the Incosol closed its doors I was invited to become involved in a very similar project here at Los Monteros. Four years later I am still thoroughly enjoying this fascinating and exciting role of healthy living, advising, teaching and coaching clients about nutrition and healthy eating habits. The information I pass on regarding weight loss is always in accordance with the world wide recognized health organizations.
It is widely known and accepted that this first step to healthy living is maintaining a healthy diet.
What is a weight loss program?
The weight loss programs here at Los Monteros follow a model of healthy diet. All programs are personalized with the goal of losing weight responsibly and without the feeling of hunger, possible thanks to our superb Mediterranean gastronomy. Dishes are created for the most demanding and discerning diner, thanks to the great team we have here, specialized in Nutrition and weight loss cuisine. We also pay special attention to nutritional education so guests will see sustainable and ongoing results once they return home. Here at Los Monteros, we provide the perfect environment to kick start change.
Enjoying flavours and eating healthily is our philosophy. We provide the menu and personalized diet, supervised by nutritionists and experts in healthy cooking.
Professional support and the right positive environment are two of the main factors which facilitate weight loss and ensure clients keep reaching their targets.
What is a Detox program?
The Detox program here at Los Monteros has been designed to cleanse your system and eliminate toxins and waste substances. The diet is light, healthy and balanced and provides guests with everything they need.
The objective is to cleanse and be healthier. Weight loss is not the principle objective, though a positive side effect for many. The detox program for many is a kick start towards a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Benefits of our Detox program are:
- Fresh fruit and vegetables are used every day to maximize the properties and content of vitamins and minerals
- The intestinal flow is regulated by the high fibre content which improves digestion
- A huge source of antioxidants is provided, which has great anti-ageing properties
- The immune system is greatly improved
- High content of phyto nutrients
- Due to the inclusion of super foods (such as chia seeds,linseed, oats etc) the diet is rich in healthy elements.
- The properties are diuretic, cleansing and detoxifying
- You can enjoy the rich and natural flavours
When do you recommend a detox program and when a weight loss program? What is the difference?
Detox programs are recommended for those who are looking to give their body and metabolism a rest. You can feel sluggish and tired after a period of excess (after over indulging after the festive period, holidays etc). A detox program can also be a good option in order to cleanse the body before an important event in order to feel in top form. Your skin and hair will shine, you will have lost some weight and you will have plenty of energy!
The weight loss programs are recommended for those who would like to lose weight and those wishing to avoid the complications that can arise due to an excess of weight such as diabetes and coronary related issues but in particular for those who are looking for a re-education in healthy eating habits.
What benefits do these kind of programs offer?
“Lose weight and gain health”
Obesity has been recognized by the World Health organization as an epidemic in the 21st century. There is little doubt that obesity represents one of the biggest health problems at a global level, mainly due to the complications that accompany it, heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes and different types of cancer etc.
In order to combat weight issues we need to use many tools that are available to us however the key is based around diet and exercise.
When it comes to the world of diets there is a lot of nonsense out there. At Los Monteros we are more concerned in achieving a healthy body shape rather than focus on weight. Body shape should be the main objective.
Objective: Lose weight and learn how to eat, re-education of healthy eating behaviours.
Can you tell us about the Los Monteros weight loss program, what is involved in a typical day?
And what does a day look like for the detox program?
What ensures good results of a Weightloss or Detox program? What do guests have to do once back home, how can they continue the weight loss and a healthy life style?
The role of the nutritional specialist is fundamental during and after the program and is mainly focused on providing direct support to the client. You could say we have the role of a personal coach, to teach, train and motivate the client.
In order for the client to lose weight and not regain it once they have returned home there are 3 main steps: knowledge, conviction and motivation. Knowledge regarding food and nutrition must be transmitted in a way that is practical for each client so that they can use this information and incorporate it into their own personal lifestyle to make major improvements in their eating habits.
Each client must learn to eat properly in order to lose body fat; they must establish their own personal diet, understand the calories and nutrients of the foods that they like, food shop sensibly and design their own daily meal plans both in and out of the house.
Conviction that the program and new routine will have positive results is fundamental to the success and sustained success of each client. In order to achieve this the specialist must establish a solid foundation from which realistic goals and milestones can be reached. If the goals are not achievable then clients can easily lose motivation and the downward spiral starts.
When clients have completed the program they leave Los Monteros armed with knowledge, a personalized activity plan and achievable objectives in order to continue with the weightl oss plan at home.
Do you have any important tips that people should know?
- Don´t skip breakfast and then feast at dinner time. Have breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.
- Eat 5-6 meals a day, little and often.
- Eating early helps to lose weight
- Don´t shy away from food, “because they are fattening”, the best is to eat a little bit of everything
- Avoid having a plate of vegetables as your main meal, vegetables should always accompany
- Never forget to eat plenty of fruit and water
- Don´t be fooled by fast diets, they can damage your health and have poor long term results
- Eat slowly and deliberately
- It is very important to learn how to eat sensibly when you are out of the house or at a restaurant
- Exercise regularly
- Don´t snack between meals
- Do not weigh yourself every day, from one day to the next it is much harder to notice the change.
For more information about the detox and weight loss programs at Los Monteros and prices, click:
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